Monday 4 April 2016

Why Change Management Is Crucial to Demand Generation Success

There are now more people in the world with cell phones than people with access to electricity or clean drinking water. Consumers send over 500 million tweets and watch over 200 million hours of video each day just via YouTube. Many businesses have started to think about these changes in very small ways, such as the adoption of a “social” strategy or a tool like marketing automation to help manage all of their efforts. This is why we’ve seen adoption rates of marketing automation rise from 25% to 53% within 12 months among the 32 B2B Fortune 500 companies (Found in the State Of Demand report) — and yet less than half of those companies are using marketing automation

We now operate in a world where tools are no longer enough to get you to the next level of demand excellence. It takes changing the way you think about driving demand, in addition to tools and techniques.

Most companies know change needs to happen, but are reluctant, slow, or unwilling to change. This is killing modern marketing programs in those companies. Companies that are excelling at modern demandgeneration practices such as lead nurturing, on the other hand, are generating 451% more leads than those who are not using these modern demand generationpractices. So I asked Carlos Hidalgo, CEO of Annuitas, what he’s seen in enterprise change management, and his thoughts on the need for change management for driving demand.

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