Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Why B2B Demand Generation Managers Might Be Doing More Harm than Good

A key piece of advice in B2B sales is that “businesses don’t buy solutions, people do.” It’s hard to argue; the idea that you should appeal to individuals at a personal level seems logical.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

5 Statistics About B2B Demand Generation with Social Media That You Need to Know

Generating more leads is a B2B marketer’s biggest challenge, with 61% of marketers ranking it as their top issue in 2013. With dozens of different B2B demand generation tactics, how do you decide which strategy is worth your time? 

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

The Art and Science of B2B Demand Generation Marketing

For B2B marketers, the pressure to bring in new leads is palpable. According to a recent study by the Content Marketing Institute (pdf), 85 percent of B2B marketers rank lead generation as their top goal for the next year — but it’s easier said than done. A separate study of B2B marketers found that less than one-third feel their demand generation process effectively meets their organizations’ needs.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

5 Ways Your Organisation Would Benefit From a Demand Centre

The effective balancing of marketing resources within middle-sized and enterprise organisations is a daunting task. According to recent research, on average organisations restructure their marketing resources every 2.5 years often with little or no gain. Such restructuring causes numerous headaches for entire departments and often creates more problems than it was meant to solve.